I was looking through my filing cabinet the other day and
noticed something incredible. When I was first diagnosed with leukemia in Feb
2010, I created a folder called “AML 2010” for all the medical bills and
insurance statements that year. AML is for Acute Myeloid Leukemia – the technical
name for what I had. That folder is about 2 inches thick and is maxed with all
kinds of papers. When I relapsed in 2011, I had to start a new folder. Of
course it was called “AML 2011.” It too is about 2 inches thick and can’t hold
any more. When I looked down at that place in the filing cabinet, this thought
came to me: “Wow, I don’t have an AML 2012 folder!” A full year without any sign of leukemia. A
full year without spending one night in a hospital. Just like that, my AML
folder creating task is done. It’s
behind me. Some may say that there is a chance it could come back, and that is
true. It’s actually true for all of us that some strange disease could sneak its
way into our bodies. And we have very little control over that. But the truth
that came out of this discovery is putting the past behind us and pressing on
to the new life that has been given us. I love how The Message version reminds
me of this in Philippians 3:12-14 –
I’m looking forward to 2013 and not looking back. No more
folders! And more space in my filing cabinet.
Amazed by His Love,